IDLE INTENTIONS: trial of the ninja kings
this IDLE CLICKER was made with the help of the WhiteVault Twitch community for the 3rd VIMJAM.
in this idle clicker, you are a nameless ninja royal who must build up your economy and hire mercenaries from all around the multiverse to defeat the 6 ninja kings!
(due to it being a game jam game I did not make an endless mode if you want an endless mode let me know after the jam.)
HIRE a MERC: spawns mercenaries. Please look up MULTI USE to learn how these units are so useful
GOLD it UP: increases the gold you gain from attacking the boss. (works for you and the mercenaries units)
Have you BEEN WORKING OUT?: increases the attack and health of your mercenaries
MrBoomBoom: spawns a missile to attack a ninja king(you harvest no coin)
The mercenaries can be used in three different ways!
ATTACK MODE: leave them to their own devices and they will battle a ninja king 1 on 1! they can die BUT they give you their coin until they die!
MANAGER MODE: tired of clicking the blue bar and waiting to get your coin??? Drag and drop the mercenaries on top of the white box beside the blue bar and let them do all the clicking for you and click and attack a ninja king! (you must start the shift by clicking it first! don't be that lazy!)
SACRIFICE MODE: Drag and drop the mercenaries on the blue bar and either increase the bars coin amount to shorter the wait duration!
every time you defeat a ninja king the final fire ninja king incinerates all your mercenaries on the screen so you will have to keep up the momentum and rebuild everyone and rebuildd your losses!
programming and design / Whitevault
music / komiku
mercenary sprite work was made by the community! check out the in-game credits!
Its Petra
Nitricswight dev
mercenary and boss
HEY_ im_evil
i just wanted to say thank you for playing this game! i hope it made you smile.
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Love all of the sprites
thank you so much!
Been a while since I played one of your games WhiteVault! Really loved this idle clicker! great fun! Rich Grandma helped me a ton!
omg!!! Hey buddy!!!
Love it, nothing more to say.
The game was so good, there should be a NEW GAME+ mode
Already on the edge of overworked, and than this happens. Legend. Also very nice to get your community involved. Last is probarly a me thing, i get bored waiting for the last boss, adhd attention span.
I need better instructions. I've unlocked all the things but have no idea what they do. Also, the upgrade prices are astronomical. The game window is TINY and fullscreen laggy.
Wholesome Streamer
Talented Artist
Impressive Game Designer
It is always a joy to be a part of your community, the inclusion is heart warming. Thank you as always and keep up the beautiful work.