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(1 edit) (+1)

Game idea is great, and you did a huge ammount of work.


This font is really hard to read. 



I mean it looks gorgeous let’s face it. Was a fun game, definitely feels like there could be some balancing as Jack pointed out you can just spam click and Q and get through most things. I did enjoy baiting the enemy player towards my towers though that was really fun. Whilst the moba style click to move controls aren’t my bag they seem to work well here and it was easy enough to control.

Would love to see this with more work and some Juice given to it. Great Job WhiteVault.


The idea is amazing! Though I did see a few flaws while playing the game:

  • Collission: I'm not sure whether it's a flaw or a feature, but with the giant towers you can walk through them. Just like the other enemies
  • The minions seem to ignore eachother
  • You can just spam left click to walk and q to melee and you can kill pretty much anything without it standing a chance
  • I can't seem to kill the other hero with melee, but when I had the toss ability I pretty much instakilled him, maybe look into balancing the items?
  • It wasn't really tactical, seeing as it really could be. I could literally just walk up to the enemy base, spam tab, wait a few seconds and win.
  • When you die it seems like it takes a really long time before you spawn, while it just being a blue screen, maybe add a timer until you respawn?

Overall I really love the idea of the game, but it could deffinetly use some tweaking game-mechanics wise.

The art looks amazing!

Keep up the great work!